Secrets to a Healthy Heart

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Products for a Healthy Heart

Shaklee 180

Go from before to after with clinically tested weight loss products** - and a program designed to burn fat, not muscle. This customizable two-meal kit delivers a complete program of smoothees, snacks, energizing tea and metabolic boost* -  along with access to exclusive tools and rewards.

** The weight loss portion of the Shaklee 180 Program was tested in a preliminary 12-week clinical study. Meal-in-a-bar was not included in this study.

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Promotes Heart, Joint and Brain Health*

Omega Guard™ delivers a full spectrum of ultra-pure, pharmaceutical-grade omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy heart, joint and brain function*. It is made with a proprietary multistep molecular distillation process for the utmost purity and potency of omega-3s fatty acids, including EPA and DHA.

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